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Sunday, August 15, 2010

♥ Happy Birthday to myself

Today is my birthday.. let me wish myself first! Happy birthday Siew Geok!

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to ME
Happy birthday to you

Tis yr is the most boring, tiring, angry and disppointment birthday that i have ever have.. all those impt ppl have forgotten my birthday.. regardless of family members or working colleague.. make me so sad..

Tis yr everything no.. no cake, no present, no time for myself.. no present for myself.. make me feel that so sad.. my bro say something that make me more angry.. he say give me belated cake.. I told him i don like belated thing.. if u give me belated thing, make me feel that you have no xin even lor.. Have xin de hua anything also can be done de mah.. I hate BELATED!

At work, my mum called me.. i still thought that she wanna ask me wat i wanna eat for the dinner tonight.. she gonna cook for me.. but who noe, she told me the temple cuaght fire.. make me more sian.. i still thought wat big issue..

First yr don have u around to celebrate wif me make me abit more lonely. nvr hear ur voice, no more ppl sing happy birthday song to me n no more the mee sua that u cook for me every year without fail.. even though i always say it is not nice. but deep in my heart i am delighted that u will always be there.. but now u r not here le, make me somehow abit lonely.. feel that tis is gonna happen every year le..

today birthday still have to work also.. make me more tiring.. my lady boss still ask me do this n that.. so sian.. then today come in de customer all siao de.. wan this wan that.. ask them go make themselves la.. keep on complaining.. make me even no mood to serve.. still thought that today my birthday everything should be fine.. but who noe..

I think i am a poor liar.. last wk she come, then she is very gd at asking me from question to question... i was so stupid that i told her that i did not work on sat.. now every sat have to start working le.. so sian.. she told me the news today make me more frustrated.. wat the..

Just now, i bought a dessert for myself as present with the remaining money that i have.. but it end up not as nice as before le.. is it that everything will start changing from time to time.. maybe it should be bah..

But anyway, thank for the ppl who sms or fb me wif the brithday msg.. thank u!

7:37 AM

Saturday, August 7, 2010

♥ Posting time

Long time nvr update here le.. think gonna rot soon liao.. haha.. these few mth really have some changes in myself.. change in job and a new environment. all these make me to be more independent, careful in doing things and be more detailed.

but i juz fail to do all these. tend to be very forgetful and careless.. therefore always gonna say by them.. make me feel like i'm really very stupid.. sometimes might feel it is too tired.. feel like giving up.. mon to thur is the worst day for me.. juz feel like work is more and more.. is like an endless hole. is it because sometimes it is hard to get the information as we have to send email here n there? but what is ok, is the ppl there is quite nice la.. still ok wif the environment.. why i juz join then got some many meeting de.. last fri juz have 2 meeting.. sit there listen to talk, i also don understand wat they say.. omg tis coming tue got meeting again.. but this time die le.. is the entity meeting.. only certain country involved in each meeting.. so wat should i say for that meeting.. i also dunno.. so nervous! Pray hard that it will be fine for me.. this co got so many upcoming event. after the internal audit, those big boss r coming down.. we still have to entertain them.. ask them entertain themselves la.. then after that we have to prepare to shift to the new office. they mention that got few day we have to work from home.. wow, that great!

lots of frenz have been asking wat i wanna for my this coming present.. actually i don need anything.. really.. wat i need is money.. haha.. no la.. as long sometimes hear that you r doing fine, stay healthy that will do.. that will be a great present for me! sometimes i felt that a concern is even more precious than anything.. that is priceless. if got anything to say it, don hestitate to tell me.. sometimes i also need other ppl to give me some encourgement so that i can continue my journey.. few days ago, i still tell my frenz i would like to have something that she make herself.. but somehow her reply make me abit sad. but i will not blame her... coz not all ppl have the time to do.. after saying all these make me think of her, who always like to make thing for me every year.. but this yr de, i think i do not have a chance to receive it anymore.. but today i feel blessed after wearing her thing to work.. keep on praying that wont do anything wrong.. therefore so lucky that nvr get scolded for that day. haha.. Thanks!

last few wk i have been watching korean show.. wow, is damn nice de.. so excellent.. love seeing it.. if u guys got some free time.. remember to c this show "personal taste"! nice song, gd actor n actress too.. from there, i started to listen to 4 minutes song..

Update more in the future.. Craving to learn more korean language..

8:26 AM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

♥ Counting down of working in smc

Time really pass very very fast. still rememeber last time felt abit scared of what co i got for my internship wif ml. everything seem like happen only yesterday. still rememeber first day we come to the office for reporting. all of us look so smart, but after few mths there all of us dress down le. haha.. now all gonna over le. still left 1 more working day. so fast i have been there for seven mths le. can't believe it. last time i used to be scared of attachment ever since my ite attachment. haha.. but over here i feel that attachment is not scary at all. it is fun, exciting, fantastic and an eye opener for me.

these few mths have many many thing happen. Got happy, sad, angry, frustrated time. But most of it is Happiest Time. coz i got a chance to do thing that i like, able to learn new thing which i might not have learnt b4 in sch, and also based on what i have learn to help other to do their thing. that is wat i most proud of it.. haha.. I have met several client but all is ok la. quite nice n gd. but wat is not gd is sometimes i don understand the accounts. Doing audit can let me learn quite a number of things la. Like some items can be done in other ways too. but my main interest is not there as every case i do i have to consult many ppl.. haha.. thanks for all the help. especially ml and ht. ml always help me wif the journal entry n ht always help me to find my $1.. haha.. i appreciate it.. really.

of these few mth i have noe quite a number of staff there. All r friendly, easy going, kind and lovely people. Really enjoy working wif them. I like All of u.. U all r good to me. make me don feel like leaving the co. omg... But i need a gd rest. if can't find a job later hope that can come back to work again.

another ppl that i wish to thanks is my senior who teaches me patiently. she really is a gd teacher. I noe sometimes i might be a bit blur, forgetful and other weaknesses. but she will not scold me n teach me in a way that i understand. sometimes i felt sorry that she had to keep on repeating the same thing so that i can rememeber. But all thanks to her, now i rememeber le. I enjoy working wif her.

I really don bear to leave u guys but what the beautiful memories that u all left and spend wif me will keep deep in my heart. i will cherish the friendship we have. lastly a big thank you to all of u.

ps: gonna have farewell lunch n dinner on fri. post the update asap.

8:23 AM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

♥ Life is full of up n down

Long time have not post any entry le. today is quite free as i no need to work but later have classes at night.. can't wait to go for that class. this whole wk let me experience lots of thing.

Like last sat i juz took my bridging maths.. shit lor, i forget how to go to my sch.. so pai seh.. called up lots of my frenz for help.. luckily my frenz help me search from internet n found out that come out from exit i. but after coming out of exit i, i don noe the direction as too long nvr come le. i starred at the map for quite some time. luckily this time got 1 ppl ask me am i going for the exam.. she ask me u dunno how 2 go to sch huh? i say ya. then at that point of time i'm thinking is she my classmate why like nvr c before de.. so i ask her where she sit. actually she sit the same row as me juz that i did not realise only. so pai seh when she say u dunno i'm ur classmate.. actually i also dunno who sit beside me n call wat name also..

omg i think tis is the worst paper i have ever take. the same experience that i have when i was in primary sch.. juz dunno how to do n seeing people struggling for the paper for 2 hrs. i can't believe that when i open the paper all the qn was different from wat the teacher say will come out on thur. he told the class that the paper will be the same juz that the number will change. I thought that i can believe what he say as i have no time to study le. so i spend all the whole day to concentrate on the paper. but who noe, i should not believe in what he say. I should study the whole book. I regretted of sleeping in class instead of listening to wat he teach. after the paper, me n C.Y were scolding the teacher n the paper from our sch all the way to suntec bah. this was the first paper that i have ever commented so badly in my life le bah. luckily i still got 1 more chance. i will strive more harder next time and hope that it pass. my mood was damn bad that day. I'm glad that i have a frenz who will be there for me. L.W accompanyed me for the whole day.. we go play acrade to vent all my anger, go travel n food fair, eat ice cream n buy lots of chocolate come back. she told me eat chocolate can make ppl happy. but dunno is true mah. but it make me fatter.. idiot. anyway thanks to her i appreciate it. But after all these event, i realsed that i have spend quite lots of money which make my freind mad abt it. i'm not purposely de.

sun, finally i got off from my lady boss.. got the chance to go n pray my great-grandma, my ah gong n my ah gong bro since a long time i have not been there le for few yrs. evertyime without fail, when visting my ah gong it will start to rain.. haha.. therefore this year also. they say is ah gong too touched when we wan to c him. make me laugh. a bit sad is i have not seen my ah gong. they told me that when i was 1 yrs old my ah gong pass away, so i nvr c him before. but i have feel he is always there with us. another funny issue is i got 1 younger cousin she have a new christian name call wat evigian.. i think like that spell bah. dunno la. i did not listen how they call her properly. so i call her "evian".. they laugh at me. shit lor.. but at least i'm better.. her dad call her "evening".. i still morning n afternoon leh.. haha..

the person in charge told us this is the last time we got to go as the govt need to use the piece of land to do something. so they have to open the coffin to take out the bone and place it in other place. a bit sad to listen to this news this is the only event that all our family member would gather together except CNY. but also no choice liao.

10:03 PM

Monday, February 22, 2010

♥ Last day of holiday

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YR to all my frenz. May all of u had enjoy over the pass few day. today is the last day of holiday b4 working tml. so fast hoilday has over le. tml muz go back to work liao. but is ok. quite missing the ppl there as long time nvr c them le. but what i don wish to c is the pile of work.

today finally submit all the project we have been rushing for that few days. finally can rest le. while doing that last pc of project somehow got certain feeling in it as it is the only last pc of work that i will be doing for np. i think i going to miss the days. miss the day doing project in np atrium, our space, lib, my hse and many many places. miss the day that always all delivery for rushing the project. but all these beatuiful memories i will kept in my heart and maybe one day when we meet up will bring up all these old memories when we are old. Most important is not that we know each other before, is the process we have went through that make wanders. haha.. i think i will miss the school, my frenz n all my lecturer.. thanks for accompanying me for the past 3 yr. i will try not to forget all of u.. thanks!!

for those who are still trying hard for your exam, all the best for this sem and strive hard for a better result. Jia You! Jia You! Jia You! 这一秒不失望,下一秒就会有希望! (eventhough tax paper might be tricky juz don bother first n concentrate on the afa n audit papers) ALL THE BEST!!!

5:44 AM

Saturday, January 30, 2010

♥ studying where?

today went to suntec to listen to the talk of ntu.. there were many np students going to the talk. can see lots of familiar faces.. haha.. actually i dunno what i wan 2 be in the future. should i go for uol, local uni or rmit? if local uni sch or uol sch which should i choose from. sometime many choices at one time juz make me confused only. i dunno which choice is the correct and best choice for me. i prefer to choose uol but some of my frenz say that can give it a try for local uni as it has no harm from apply.. but i juz don feel like listening. like shutting down my brain. but juz got 1 person say sometimes i'm quite stubborn.

sometime she also cannot stand my stubborn. once there is a problem, i don wan 2 face it. i rather run away than facing it. she say if there is 1 gd chance why muz chase it away. still say my msn nick, 这一秒不失望,下一秒就会有希望!if i did not try then sure no希望. after hearing this, i agree la. if nvr try i dunno. but i c my gpa, it really give me no confident to apply. even if i get in, in a new environment i muz readopt a new environment. hate this like of adopting a new environment. i also might not have the determination and courage to study.

last wk i actually quite moody. keep thinking of 1 qn. am i a very selfish person? always did not think of other? one of them say that i did not think of my parent, they are old le, still go n study. she say i should take part time or if not go work first then after that go and study as i am more financially stable. but i personally felt that if i don study now, when i old liao i really cannot concentrate to study. i noe if get a cpa cert, i still have to continue to take training every yr. she say that make me dunnno how to reply her. i agree that i'm bad, selfish, don think of other feeling. hate myself being like that. sometimes i really don like myself. i always give other lots of misconception of me. but i already get use to it le. if u think wat i'm then that maybe is the way bah. i don feel to explain to u further more. maybe like that u think that i am a person who is hard to communicate bah.. i think if i study part time i think more worst bah. no mood to study even.

tis few day trying to go out everyday, make myself busy and tired so that no need to think so much abt what she say. i think i have come back to my previous self. setting a high barrier with other people, don wan 2 talk much and prefer to be alone at nite. sometime at nite make me think of "her", got a lots of thing wish to tell u but now like impossible. i dunno who can i turn to, whom can i trust and rely upon.

today, after the talk, go to a restaurant to eat but who noe? after eating, overheard a manager and 1 staff conversation, mentioning that we have been there for a long time and we have eat finish long time ago.. after listening to this, qq was quite annoyed. she mention that the person was rude.. haha.. actually the person was juz beside her and she sy it loudly.. it make me a bit pai seh at that moment. but i agree that the person is a bit rude as how 2 say we are still their customer and the restaurant is not very peak at that time. time passes very fast. we juz go for the talk, eat and some shopping and we realised that half of the day had gone. at that point we felt a bit tired. we did not notice that it was 6 plus as we thought it was only 4 plus.

after shopping still have to rush for another round, going bbq chalet which was organise by the co. it was fun la. got many ppl going. have lots of fun and laughter there. 1 wk did not see them le. so happy! we thought of buying a cake for the feb birthday gal as we did not bring anything there. but who noe after we buy, they told us that actually they also bought it. end up got 2 cakes.. haha.. then after the bbq, we have a birthday celebration. we got 4 versions of birthday song, different languages.. after that we have a toast. shouting yum sang loudly.. the most funny part is that the opposite side also say that loudly back to us! haha.. after all these is the game time. a bit sad is that i did not play as i need to go back. but is ok i think still got lots of opportunities after that. Thanks for the invitation!

hope that next wk i noe what i really wants...

7:41 AM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

♥ Hai pai Tian Xin

Long time no post. now somehow got addicted in seeing hai pei. muz wait for every mon to come is so long. now is getting even more nicer liao.. so intended to change all my song to theirs de.. hope u guys can enjoy!

Seeing this show, it let me have a lots of reflection and memory too.. tis show let me see through eat trust is all abt. if u don trust 1 person, there will lead of lots of misunderstnading. even though sometime u might see wat u have see, but actually in fact, the truth is not wat u have saw. getting misunderstand by somemore can be also quite miserable. hate that kind of feeling as i used to have it b4.

dunno who should be trusted to or trusted by who.. maybe i also cannot be trusted bah...

3:57 AM

♥ theGrumpyToast

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      Name: Tan Siew Geok 秀玉
      School: Ngee Ann Poly
      Age: 22
      EmailAddress : siewgeok87@hotmail.com
      About me: A person who will not talk much unless the person come and talk to me. Love shopping, watch movie and more.. Favourite sport: Swimming n cycling..

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